foodintol® LoTox

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Fragrant Spiced Baked Apples

Low toxin and vintage favourite!

Perfect for the changing seasons … and loved by the whole family! Dessert sweetness without the heavy pudding - apples are an always-there and often overlooked treasure!


Seriously simple - and quick!

  • Choose your favourite apples: Pink Lady for sweet and tart, Red Delicious for sweetness - or Granny Smith for acid to counter the sweet filling.

  • Choose dried fruit: sultanas, dates, apricots, cherries - or mix them up.

  • Nuts give texture - pecan or walnut pieces – seem to work best.

  • Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius (390 Fahrenheit)

  • Remove cores from apples while keeping them whole. Arrange them in a baking dish.

In a bowl combine your dried fruit, sugar, nuts and spice. Fill each apple with the mixture, and if any is left over, sprinkle it around the apples.

Put a small dollop of margarine on top of each apple. Pour the water into the baking tray. Bake in hot oven for 30 - 35 minutes, or until apples are soft. Remove from oven and baste apples with sticky pan juice.

Allow to cool slightly and serve with a dollop of coconut cream. Stand back for the applause!