Why food pyramids are misleading

Now that studies have implicated food toxins like casein and gluten in serious incurable disease - we believe old-fashioned food pyramid charts should be set aside. Why? Because they all recommend toxin-laced choices like grains, legumes and dairy as ‘staples’.

But do you know how the Food Pyramid came about? It’s a fascinating story and one that will give you a whole new perspective on consumer food advice. Video:

Deborah explains the scandalous origins of food pyramid charts found in countries around the world.

Choosing a low toxin diet

New findings about serious diseases like cancers and Parkinson’s point to the action of toxins carried by some foods. The way to be free of the toxins is to learn which foods are low toxin and which are not. The science-backed foodintol® LoTox Express program has been developed specifically to help members reduce food toxins in their daily lives.

Deborah Manners

Deborah Manners is a food intolerance and food toxins specialist. Her extensive research of the medical literature has revealed the vital role of toxins in serious ‘forever’ diseases. Food toxins include caseins, glutens, phytates, alkaloids and others. But there were so many links between toxins and diseases - it led to a whole new perspective on sickness. Manners-Xenos Theory is explained in simple terms in her book UNRAVELLING THE MYSTERY OF DISEASE. Surprisingly her work has also exposed the flaws in medical diagnosis which only lead patients deeper into disease. Since 2003 the Food Intolerance Institute has helped thousands to recover from illness by avoiding food toxins.


How food toxins make us fatter