The protein in diet shakes is milk protein - which is not even available to the human digestive system. But what's worse - these shakes deliver toxins in large amounts.
The small intestine is your body's gatekeeper. It keeps the good things in - and eliminates the unwanted stuff. But when it gets damaged - things go wrong.
If you need vitamin supplements - it means your small intestine is not absorbing nutrients properly. Why is that? It's because your gut has been damaged - and the most likely culprits are food toxins.
The reason we are so sick is because we have turned our diet upside down.
I see people suffering simple food intolerance symptoms all around me - but they don’t seem to understand that there’s such a simple solution.
Sometimes ‘life events’ can bring something to the surface. When the immune system is compromised (as when food toxins are present in the body) it can be a tipping point for a new symptom or illness.
A journal really sorts things out - because it’s so easy to forget what we ate for dinner.
Deborah Manners gives insight into the prevalence of food intolerance in the community.
Deborah Manners, food intolerance expert is interviewed about the stealthy nature of food toxins and their impact on the body . . . and why gluten intolerance can be tricky to pinpoint.
How can food intolerance be cured? We need to understand a little bit about how the body works and how the immune system responds to poisons.
There are five types of tests for food intolerance . . .
An institute is a centre of research, teaching and publishing . . .
One major difference is that food allergic reactions are usually immediate … while food intolerance responses can be very slow. But the immune system is involved in both.
They may seem innocent and delicious - but many familiar food choices carry toxins that slowly breed disease.
When the patients took food toxins out of their diet (say a dairy-free, gluten-free diet) - their disease markers improved.
The very first nutrition advice was written by a nineteenth century American scientist, Mr Wilbur Atwater – a pioneer in measuring how the body generates energy from foods. Then the farmers got involved ... then the politicians ...
We reach for the tablets because that is what medicine has taught us . . . but what if we could find the cause?
If probiotics make you feel better - what can you conclude from that? We need to think.